EU High Level Scientific Conference Series
Prof.Dr.H.Gerzymisch-Arbogast (Translation/Interpreting) ATRC Saarbrücken

  Multidimensional Translation - MuTra
   2005 Saarbrücken
   2006 Copenhagen
   2007 Vienna
     · Call for Papers
     · EU-Scholarships
     · Latest Updates - 04 Feb 2008
     · Registration
     · Programme
     · PhD School 2007
     · Practical Information
     · Participants
     · Publishing Houses
     · Links
     · Abstracts
     · Photos
   2005 PhD Training Seminar
    MuTra Proceedings  New 2007
   Previous Conferences
Call for Papers                                                         (Download in PDF form)
Registration Deadline for Young Researchers:1 February 2007
Deadline for Submission of Paper Abstracts:15 February 2007
General Registration Deadline:1 March 2007

All presentations should be based on research.

Papers are allotted 45-minute slots. It is up to the speaker to either give a short presentation (10 – 15 minutes) and use the remaining 30 minutes for discussion or give a longer presentation and leave only 15 minutes for discussion.

The preferred language for presentations is English; any deviations should be checked in advance with the conference organisers.

Technical equipment including overhead projector, beamer and laptop plus DVD and VHS players will be available. Please contact the organising committee in case you have specific requirements.

Within the framework of this conference on 'LSP Translation Scenarios' we especially welcome papers with a focus on the following domains:
  1. LSP Translation Scenarios
  2. Translation & Interpreting Theory & Methodology
  3. LSP Interpreting
  4. Audiovisual Translation Scenarios

Guidelines for the Submission of Proposals for Papers:

Proposals for Papers (Short Abstracts)
Proposals for papers in short abstract form should fit on a single page of 12-point type with margins of 2 cm when printed out. They should contain the proposer’s name, affiliation, postal and e-mail addresses.

Abstract proposals must be received in electronic format (MS-Word, text or rtf files) at

no later than 31 December 2006

The abstract proposals will be evaluated by members of the scientific committee and proposers will be notified by 15 Janurary 2007 if their proposal has been accepted.

Upon acceptance of an abstract proposal, speakers will be asked to submit an extended abstract. Extended abstracts will be made available to the conference participants before the conference to facilitate interaction and discussion during the conference.


Selected papers will be published.

Registration and Fees

(On-line registration or download registration form)

Fees: The registration fee is 400,-- €.

This fee includes:
  • participation in the 5-day-conference
  • conference folder
  • book of extended abstract
  • lunches
  • refreshments during coffee breaks
Registration is only valid upon receipt of the conference fee.

A grant from the European Commission provides for financing the participation of eligible young researchers (registration, travel and accommodation - see EU-Scholarships for additional information.)
Notification of acceptance for EU funding will be made after 15 January 2007.

Travel & Accommodation

Participants are expected to make their own travel arrangements.
For questions or additional information on travel and accommodations contact