In conjunction with the conference series (2002-2004) a
PhD Prep School is offered for T&I students.
The European PhD Prep School - taught by leading European T&I researchers
- is designed to offset these deficits by offering tailor-made PhD courses
for T&I candidates in the above areas. They are designed and supported
by the Deutsche Gesellschaft
für Übersetzungs- und Dolmetschwissenschaft (DGÜD) and co-financed
by the European Union within the concept of the high level scientific
conferences, where they are usually offered on the day preceding the conference
event. Information on financial support is available through
The DGÜD PhD prep school schedule is available through T&I
Portfolios. Universität des Saarlandes as PhD School on research methods in T&I
May 5th, 2004 Guest Professor: Daniel Gile Program online: Schedule
of the PhD-School in Saarbrücken, 2004
Recommended Reading: Gile, Daniel (1991): "Methodological Aspects of Interpretation (and
Translation) Research". Target International Journal of Translation Studies
3(2):153-174. Gile, Daniel (1999): "Use and misuse of the literature in interpreting research". The Interpreter's Newsletter 9:29-43. Gile, Gile, Daniel/Dam, Helle/Dubslaff, Friedel/Martinsen, Bodil/Schjoldager,
Anne [Hrsg.] (2001): Getting Started in Interpreting Research. Amsterdam
- Philadelphia: Benjamins. Williams, Jenny & Chesterman, Andrew (2002): The Map. A beginner's guide to doing research in translation studies. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing.