FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I register for the Euroconference 2004 in Saarbrücken?

Registration requirements:

a)   Curriculum vitae
b)   Registration Form
Participants are able to register on-line by downloading the registration form.
c)   Abstract
Abstract size and format:
The abstract should be about 500 words, exclusive of references. When printed out, the title and body should fit on a single page of 12-point type, with ca 1 inch or 2 cm margins.
The programme committee will notify those who submitted proposals by January 15, 2004 (by e-mail or by post) whether their proposal has been accepted.

2. How do I apply for EU-Funding?

EU-funding requirements:

We have obtained a grant from the European Commission to finance the participation of young researchers.

The conditions are that you:

1) be a national of a Member State or of an Associated State (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia; Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) AND active inside a Member State or an Associated State.
Please note: You can also apply for funding, if you have been living for 5 or more years in a Member State of the EU!

2) have not reached the age of 35 at the time of the Conference.
For reasons of funding early registration is highly recommended.

3) have to pay the fee of Euro 150,-. If you are eligible for EU funding, you will be refunded after the conference.

3. What does the EU-Funding cover exactly?

EU funding is provided for up to Euro 600,- for travel (second class train, cheapest air travel) and subsistance from Wednesday night through to Friday night. Costs relating to travel by private car will be reimbursed on the basis on the cheapest rail fare of the journey. Non-eligible costs: costs relating to travel by taxi and local travels within the event location. Conference costs are refundable, PhD costs (EUR 50,-) are not.

Please note that your registration is only valid, if the costs for the registration and for the PhD school (if you chose to take part) are remitted to bank account. All fees are payable before December 31, 2003 to:

T&I Portfolios GmbH
Sparkasse Saarbrücken
BLZ 590 501 01
Acc. No.: 687087
IBAN DE80 5905 0101 0000 6870 87

4. How does the refunding of accomodation and travel expenses work?

Please book your hotel room as soon as possible. Please note that EU funding is only provided for hotel accomodation from Wednesday night through to Friday night. If you intend to arrive earlier (for example participants of the PhD school on Wednesday) or stay longer, you will have to bear the costs for additional nights. All reimbursements of eligible costs are made upon original receipts (plane tickets, train tickets, hotel bills etc.).